Detailed specifications

  • 4-wheel drive with 5-speed manual transmission.
  • Size and weight of a classic car: 4.25 meters long and 1400 kg.
  • 57-litre diesel tank.
  • French vehicle, still maintained in France, and imported into Georgia in 2023.
  • Raised front suspension. Raised and reinforced rear suspension.
  • Android screen installed. Allows you to use GPS and listen to music from a smartphone.
  • Air conditioning available.
  • Chains for tires supplied in winter.
  • Roof tent made in France by a French company.
  • World-unique patented system.
  • It can accommodate up to 2 adults and 1 child.
  • Thanks to its rigid walls, it offers good insulation and can be used all year round.
  • Interior dimensions: length 2.04 m, width 1.40 m.
  • The plastics used are 100% recyclable and recycled.
  • Supplied with LED lamp.
  • Comfortable mattress with coconut wool underlay to let the mattress breathe.
  • Gas hob with 2 burners.
  • Electric cooler running on the vehicle’s 12-volt power supply.
  • 3 jerrycans with a total capacity of 15 liters of water.
  • Kitchen utensils supplied: frying pan, saucepans, colander, peeler, corkscrew, salad bowl.
  • Cutlery supplied: forks, knives, spoons, glasses, plates, bowls, cups.
  • Folding table with 4 folding stools.
  • Barbecue grill.
  • Two folding basins.
  • Other supplies: tea towels, sponge, washing-up liquid, lighter

You can select each of these options on the vehicle reservation page.


  • 20-liter solar shower with rechargeable electric pump in the car.
  • Tent for showering and relieving oneself in the wild, out of sight.
  • Dog option: travel with your best 4-legged friend! A rear seat protector is included. Bowls can be supplied on request.
  • Magti SIM card with unlimited Internet access.
  • 220 volt battery/converter with 220 watt solar panel. Get all the electricity you need, in the middle of nowhere! Continue to use your favorite electrical items (laptop, electric razor, electric toothbrush, etc.).
  • 3/4-person tent with mattress (in addition to roof tent).
  • Electric hand warmer (for warmth on chilly nights).


Some items, such as the solar battery and shower tent, take up a considerable amount of space. Not recommended for 4 or more people in the vehicle, as you’ll have very little room for your luggage.

  • The most comprehensive and best insurance on Georgian territory.
  • Assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, just a phone call away.
  • Coverage of any hospitalization or other expenses following an accident with the vehicle.
  • Insuring your vehicle is not compulsory in Georgia, with only 7% of vehicles having an insurance policy. That’s why it’s vital that you rent an insured vehicle to protect yourself.
  • You can check the terms of the insurance policy we have selected. (document in English)