This is a translation of our terms of use into French. It is possible that during the translation some exact meanings of words may have changed. The French version of the terms of use takes precedence over other versions.

Terms and conditions of use




Hereinafter referred to as the “Renter”,
Nicolas Frédéric ROUSSEL, Caucasus Roadtrips,
27 Arsena Street, Tbilisi, Georgia
Cell phone and Whatsapp: +995 591 06 58 93


The person who has registered his/her personal information when booking a vehicle.



The general conditions of use concern the rental of the vehicle chosen by the customer at the time of reservation.


The leased vehicle is exclusively intended for private and personal use as a tourism and leisure vehicle.

Use of the vehicle is permitted only under the following restrictions:

Use restricted to Georgia (it is forbidden to leave Georgia or attempt to reach disputed areas such as Abkhazia and South Ossetia), pets allowed on request, non-smoking vehicle.

It is forbidden to travel to the Tusheti region with this vehicle, as well as on all roads deemed risky leading to this region.


4.1 – Tenant’s driver’s license :

4.1.1 – The drivers named in the present vehicle rental contract must hold a valid category B driver’s license (manual gearbox) issued more than three (3) years previously.

4.1.2 – The driving license must be issued by a country on the list of national driving licenses that may be exchanged for a French driving license. This list is available in Appendix 4.

4.1.3 – Drivers must be at least twenty-two (22) years old.

4.2 – The vehicle may only be driven by the driver(s) designated in the vehicle rental contract, to the exclusion of any other driver.

4.3 – The lessee is solely and entirely responsible for the rented vehicle and its accessories in his or her custody.

4.4 – The lessee must ensure regular maintenance of the vehicle and its accessories throughout the rental period.

4.5 – The lessor reserves the right to make its own judgement as to the customer to whom it is likely to entrust a loan vehicle.


The lessee may not assign, sublet or lend the leased vehicle to anyone for any reason whatsoever. However, if the vehicle needs to be repaired, employees of a mechanical garage are authorized to handle the vehicle.


Start of rental period: chosen at time of booking

End of rental period: chosen at time of booking

The vehicle’s mileage and all technical information are indicated on the “Inventory of fixtures” document, which will be completed on the first day of rental.


7.1 – Vehicle pick-up :

Vehicles are picked up exclusively at 27 rue Arsena, Tbilissi, Georgia (except in special cases on written request).

Vehicles are picked up from 8am local time on the first day of booking (except in specific cases, upon written request).

7.2 – Returning the vehicle :

Vehicles may only be returned to 27 rue Arsena, Tbilissi, Georgia (except in special cases upon written request).

The vehicle MUST be returned before 8pm Georgian time on the last day of the rental period (except in special cases upon written request).

The rental contract and the hirer’s liability only end when the hirer has finally taken delivery of the vehicle, the keys and the enclosed documents, exclusively for the benefit of the lessor.

The vehicle and all accessories made available to the renter must be returned in the condition in which they were found when the vehicle was hired.

The loss or damage, even partial, of the vehicle or accessories obliges the hirer to pay the amount of the security deposit previously paid. The amount of the security deposit is specified in article 19.

If the lessee is unable to return the vehicle documents, he/she must pay the cost of the loan until he/she produces an official certificate of loss or theft, as well as the cost of issuing duplicates.

7.3 – Delay due to the lessor :

The hirer undertakes and is obliged to comply scrupulously with the timetable for making the vehicle available.

7.4 – Delay due to the lessee :

Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the lessor, any delay in the return of the vehicle by the lessee in excess of two (2) hours will be invoiced according to the following principle: rental for an additional period of one day beyond that agreed in this contract at the normal rate plus 100%.


In the event of a mechanical incident occurring during the vehicle rental period, all repair costs are the sole responsibility of the renter. The lessee undertakes and agrees to ensure that such repairs are carried out exclusively by a garage that is competent and authorized to carry out mechanical repairs to vehicles.

The hirer may only be exonerated from liability if he/she can prove that the mechanical incident is the result of normal and regular wear and tear of the mechanics or poor maintenance of the vehicle. These findings will have to be made by a sworn expert in the field.

Unless covered by an insurance company, the lessee must bear all costs of repairing the vehicle as a result of damage caused personally or by third parties to the rental contract.

The lessee will be responsible for all services and expenses paid on his behalf by the lessor as a matter of necessity or management convenience, with the exception of incidents or mechanical breakdowns that have immobilized the vehicle, in which case the lessor will be responsible for recovering the vehicle from the garage that carried out the necessary repairs.


9.1 – The lessor undertakes to supply a vehicle in perfect working order, driveable and clean, with the fuel tank full and the interior and exterior cleaned.

9.2 – The lessor undertakes to pay for all repairs to the vehicle not resulting from the lessee’s misconduct and following normal use and driving of the vehicle. In the event of advance payment of repair costs by the lessee, the lessor undertakes to reimburse the lessee upon presentation of supporting invoices, for which the lessor will have previously and expressly authorized the lessee to carry out the work strictly necessary and required by the situation. Such requests and authorizations must be made in writing in the form of an electronic message via electronic mail (“e-mail”) or a written telephone message (“SMS”).

9.3 – The lessor undertakes to provide a vehicle insured for the rental period.

9.4 – The lessor cannot be held responsible for theft of the lessee’s personal belongings from inside the vehicle. The same applies in the event of loss or damage to property belonging to the tenant.


10.1 – Vehicle maintenance

10.1.1 – The lessee undertakes to maintain the vehicle and its accessories in a “good state of repair” and with the same precautions as if it were his own vehicle, and to carry out all checks made compulsory by the circumstances.

10.1.2 – The lessee undertakes to carry out normal, constant and regular maintenance of the vehicle for the entire duration of the rental period and for as long as he/she owns the said vehicle.

The hirer is obliged to check and control the levels of the vehicle’s various fluids: engine oil, water, waste water, steering fluid, windshield washer fluid and engine coolant. The lessee must carry out such maintenance and upgrades as soon as necessary.

The hirer must regularly check the vehicle’s tire pressure.

As soon as necessary, he must re-inflate the tires to the pressure levels indicated in the vehicle use and maintenance guide supplied by the manufacturer.

10.1.3 – The lessee must replace any minor equipment on the vehicle that has been worn or damaged during the rental period.

10.1.4 – The hirer is responsible for all damage caused by himself, by his own negligence or that of third parties during the vehicle rental period.

10.1.5 – The hirer is solely responsible for any damage resulting from filling the tank with unsuitable fuel (including non-premium diesel).

10.2 – The hirer undertakes to return the vehicle and its accessories in perfect working order, clean and ready to drive, with a full tank of fuel and the interior and exterior cleaned. Such conditions must be at least similar to those under which the vehicle was rented. In the absence of such conditions, the lessee must pay the sum of €50 (fifty). This amount is paid in full to the lessor, to cover any vehicle maintenance costs the latter may incur personally.

10.3 – The lessee may not make any irreversible modifications or alterations to the vehicle, either inside or out, except with the express prior written consent of the lessor.

Any fines, penalties and/or fines for which the hirer is responsible must be paid by the hirer alone.

10.4 – The hirer alone is responsible for accidents or damage occurring during the rental period.

In the event of an accident and/or damage to the vehicle (interior and/or exterior), the lessee undertakes to immediately notify the lessor of such accidents and/or damage by telephone.

The lessee is not liable for damage caused by a defect in the vehicle, unless the defect is the result of wilful misconduct, poor maintenance or gross negligence on the part of the lessee.


11.1 – The present rental is expressly agreed and accepted with regard to the applicable laws and regulations in force.

11.2 – The parties agree to draw up a summary inventory of the vehicle when it is taken on hire and when it is returned. Both documents are drawn up in the presence of both parties and have the same probative value, subject to proof to the contrary.

The renter takes the vehicle in the condition it is in on the day of rental.

In the absence of an inventory of fixtures of the vehicle drawn up by both parties on the day of rental, the lessee is deemed to have received the said vehicle in good condition and clean without further formalities. On return of the vehicle, the lessor is deemed to have received the vehicle in good condition and clean without further formality.


12.1 – The lessee shall enjoy the vehicle and use it with due care and under normal and customary conditions of use.

In particular, the lessee undertakes to take all necessary precautions and to comply strictly with all rules of the Highway Code or other regulations in force.

12.2 – The hirer is prohibited from using the vehicle :

– to take part in motor sport events, vehicle tests and as a driving school;

– to transport goods or people for remuneration;

– to tow, tow or move another vehicle in any way;

– overloaded with a number of people or a payload exceeding the values and specifications indicated by the manufacturer;

– to transport flammable, explosive, toxic or hazardous materials;

– to commit crimes, misdemeanours and other offences ;

– under the influence of alcohol or drugs;

– for off-roading.


13.1 – The principal rent, according to the rate chosen by the Customer, is determined according to the contractually agreed rental period only.

The rental price and any additional rent must be paid in full for the contractually agreed rental period. No reimbursement will be made for late pick-up or early return of the vehicle on the part of the customer.

13.2 – Options :

The renter can select several options when booking or when the vehicle is made available:

– Vehicle pick-up at Tbilisi airport for €20

– Vehicle drop-off at Tbilisi airport for €20

– Other options are specified on the pages of each vehicle on this website.

13.3 – Additional charges may apply:

13.3.1 – Any costs incurred by the Renter for the recovery of the vehicle in the event that it is left at a location other than that contractually agreed or that the Renter has to recover it following a fault on the part of the Customer or any Authorized Driver (keys locked inside the vehicle, lost keys, malfunction of the vehicle following an omission or negligence on the part of the Customer or any Authorized Driver).

13.3.2 – No-show or cancellation fees.

1 – If the customer decides to cancel the booking more than 30 days before the start of the rental period, your deposit will be refunded.

2 – If the customer decides to cancel the booking between 30 and 7 days before the start of the rental period, 50% of the deposit will be refunded.

3 – If the customer decides to book less than 7 days before the start of the rental period, or in the event of a no-show, the deposit will be retained.

13.3.4 – All costs incurred by the Hirer to repair damage to the vehicle which is not covered by insurance and any optional Limitations of Liability from which the Customer benefits, in particular, in addition to the damage itself, immobilization costs, expert appraisal costs, administration and administration costs, breakdown and/or towing and transport costs.


14.1 – When booking online, the renter pays 30% of the total booking price. This 30% is a deposit so that the dates selected by the tenant can be blocked. The lessee must pay the remaining 70% before leaving with the rented vehicle on the day it is made available.

14.2 – On the day the vehicle is made available :

14.2.1 – Any unpaid amount must be settled (remaining 70% of the rental) either by bank transfer (from your banking application for example), or by cash in US dollars, euros or Georgian lari (GEL), or in cryptocurrencies (Bitcoins or Ethereum). If payment is not possible, the renter will be considered a no-show.

14.2.2 – The security deposit must be reserved before the hirer leaves with the vehicle.


15.1 – The RENTER undertakes, for the duration of the rental period, to insure the vehicle and to provide the LESSEE with proof thereof. The LESSEE hereby agrees to the said policy and undertakes to comply with its terms and conditions. This policy covers damage against third parties in accordance with current regulations.

15.2 – The lessee further undertakes to take all necessary measures to protect the interests of the lessor and the lessor’s insurance company in the event of an accident during the term of the present contract. If the insurer refuses cover, particularly in the event of a proven breach of the Highway Code or failure by the lessee to comply with the rules listed in the insurance contract, the lessee remains personally liable to compensate the lessor for the loss suffered, the amount of which is set by mutual agreement between the expert delegated by the insurance company and the lessor.


16.1 – In the event of damage such as accident, theft, loss, fire, damage caused by animals or any other deterioration,
under no circumstances may the lessee move the vehicle
before the arrival of the police and/or the insurance representative and/or the written agreement of the lessor. He must immediately notify the insurance company and the rental company as soon as possible.. In such cases, the lessee undertakes to draw up or have drawn up a report or record attesting to the conditions in which the said damage occurred.

16.2 – If a joint accident report is drawn up by the hirer, it must be completed at the scene of the accident, with the other driver involved in the accident, in accordance with current practice and regulations, without any section being omitted or ignored, or even partially, incorrectly or illegibly completed. Particular care must be taken with sketches.

If the accident involves several vehicles, the hirer must draw up a joint accident report with the driver of the vehicle in front of him/her, and a joint accident report with the vehicle behind him/her.

If the other driver refuses to complete or sign the joint accident report, at the very least, the hirer must record the registration number of the other vehicle. The tenant must then try to obtain testimony from people who witnessed the accident, or request the intervention of a police officer.


To ensure ease of use, the vehicles are equipped with a wide range of accessories, which will be checked before and after rental.

Any damage to these accessories during the rental period may be deducted from the guarantee.


In the event of non-payment of the rental contract or non-fulfillment of any of its stipulations, the rental contract may be terminated by the lessor by operation of law after sending a warning e-mail 48 hours prior to termination.


A security deposit is required. The amount will be specified according to the vehicle booked.

This amount guarantees the proper performance of the obligations and sums to which the tenant is committed. This deposit is returned after the vehicle has been fully inspected on return, within a maximum of 15 calendar days following the said return, and after deduction of any repair costs not covered by the insurance and any penalties.


In the event of a dispute, the competent court will be determined by the lessor.


In order to guarantee the safety of its vehicles and the customer, and to ensure compliance with these General Rental Conditions, the Hirer equips some of its vehicles with geolocation devices as part of its anti-fraud measures (vehicle theft, use of vehicles for criminal activities, etc.).

Some “connected” vehicles also incorporate a geolocation system, making it possible to monitor compliance with vehicle use rules, and facilitating reporting and investigation in the event of accidents and/or damage.